Thursday, May 30, 2019

《长恨歌》大型山水实景舞剧 剧照 Bai Juyi's "Long hate song" Large-scale Landscape Real Dance Drama


演出期间不许录像,不许用闪光灯,这是常识,可有的观众还是用了闪光灯。我用了两部佳能相机和两枚镜头,分别是24-70mm/2.8和70-200mm/2.8,诺大的场面不可能面面俱到,70-200mm 用的多一些。 记录瞬间与大家分享。

The large-scale landscape dance drama with the theme of the long poem "Chang hate Song" of the poet Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty is the only performance in China where the performance is performed at the place where the historical story takes place. The performance is located in Huaqing Pool, with Mount Lishan as the background, whether it is In the scene layout, singing and dancing arrangement, lighting application, especially with a lot of sound and light effects, beautiful, subversive audience audio and video, very shocking! The actors performed brilliantly, and the cast of the cast was nearly 300. The story of the love history of Yang Guifei and Tang Minghuang was perfectly presented. It is very touching and is a shocking work of Chinese tourism culture! It is a must-see classic in Xi'an and it is worthy of recommendation. I was visiting Xi'an for the first time. My friends warmly recommended watching this performance. Thank you very much Lao Qu!Thank you for your recommendation and generosity!
 During the performance, no one was allowed to use video, and the flash. This is common sense. Some viewers use their flash may not know the rule. I used two Canon cameras and two lenses, 24-70mm/2.8 and 70-200mm/2.8. The scenes was huge and could not be all-inclusive, my 70-200mm was used more. Record the moment to share with everyone. It is better view those in larger screen. Thanks for watching


长恨歌 原文和注释网上链接, 有时间可看看

长恨歌 配乐朗诵
The meaning of poetry/long hate song of long hate song
The emperor of the Han family valued the city and looked down on the country and determined to find a beautiful woman. It is a pity that there have been nowhere in the country. Yang family has a girl who has just grown up, no one has seen her face in the squat. Natural beauty can not be buried, and finally was chosen to the emperor. She smiled back and smiled. The palace ladies of the six palaces, the white and the green, all seem to have faded the color.
The spring is chilly, giving the bath to the Qingchi, the hot spring water, and washing her skin like a condensed oil.

The maid helped out the bath, being lazy and powerless. It turned out to be the favor of the emperor!

Flowers generally look like clouds, and Jinbu shakes her head. The book embroidered with the lotus pattern is very warm and suitable for the spring.

The spring is too short! The sun rises and the old high-born child winks. From then on, I will go to the ministers.

Chasing joy, waiting for the banquet, she always turned around the emperor, no time to idle. Spring travels with her in the spring, and she is exclusive at night.
The spring is too short! The sun rises and the old high-born child winks. From then on, I will go to the ministers. Chasing joy, waiting for the banquet, she always turned around the emperor, no time to idle. Spring travels with her in the spring, and she is exclusive at night.

There are 3,000 beautiful people in the harem, and the emperor's favor for 3,000 people is concentrated in her.

On the night of the deep palace, she dressed up to serve the holy king. After the banquet was completed in the jade building, the emperor was drunk and went to bed.

Sisters and brothers have sealed the big state, so good people, a portal is full of brilliance.

Calling the world to be a parent, I feel that it is better to have a girl than a man.

The summer palace of the summer, high in the sky. In the palace, the music is floating, and people can hear it everywhere.

The song slowly danced slowly in the palace, and the sound of the orchestra was not scattered. The emperor looked at it all day, and he did not see enough.

Who knows that the drums of Yuyang’s rebellion will be knocked and knocked off, and the neon feathers are broken!

The imperial city is soaking in smoke, the emperor's driving, thousands of vehicles riding horses, fleeing to the southwest.

(Because) there is also the chaise of the emerald car driving, swaying and stopping, before going to the city gates.

What can I do if the Sixth Army refuses to advance? It turns out that the moth has died in front of the horse's horseshoe.
Her flower buds were thrown on the ground, no one collected, and the jade cock on her head, her golden bird, her jade.

The emperor covered his face and wanted to save. When he looked back, tears flowed with the blood.

The wind blows up the yellow dust, and the plank road bends into the clouds.

There are not many pedestrians on the Emei Road. The emperor’s flag is not radiant, and the sun is so thin.

The waters of the Lancang River are so green and green, and the mountains are so green, the feelings of the emperor’s nostalgia for day and night are hard to break.

Seeing the moonlight from the palace is a sad color. Listening to the rain at night is also a broken heart.

Finally, one day, the whirlwind turned to the holy city to return to the capital, and then came here - people can not bear to leave.

The land in the middle of the Ma Mapo can not be found, the land where the beauty died in vain.

Junchen looked at each other, tears smacked, looked east, and believed that Ma returned to Beijing.

Come back to see the palace garden, Taishuichi Furong Weiyang Palace Cuiliu is still charming.

The hibiscus flower is like her face, and the willow is more like her eyebrows. Seeing the flowers and seeing Liu is not a tear.

How can you not feel it, in the spring breeze blowing the peaches and plum blossoms, in this autumn rain hit the fall of the phoenix tree!

Taishang Emperor lived in the South and the West Palace, and the autumn grass was long and quiet, not sweeping it full of deciduous red.
The pear garden disciple had a white hair on his head, and the pepper room was old.

In the evening, the worms flew over the palace, and the emperor quietly recalled. In the night, I lost my lonely lamp and couldn’t sleep.

Just listen to the bells and lanterns in the palace, and the night is so long, look at the galaxy in the sky is still shining. It’s bright, not bright!

The frost is so heavy, the tiles on the house are so cold, the cui is cold, who is there?

You are dead, I am still alive, this has not been long after years, never see your soul into my dreams.

There is a Linyi Taoist who has cultivated in the capital, and can recruit the souls with sincerity.

What can be touched is the affection that the emperor turned to miss, so that the alchemist went to the court to look for her.

His defensive flight was like an electric light flight. After nine days, he entered Huangquan, but he did not see her.

Suddenly I heard that there is a fairy mountain at sea, and the mountain is in the middle of nothingness.

The fairyland pavilion is like a blossoming cloud with many wonderful fairy.

One of them is too true, the snow-like skin looks like a person, and it sounds like someone who is looking for it.

The alchemist went to the fairy palace, the door of the west gate, and reported the suffocation of Xianren Xiaoyu and Dong Shuangcheng.
She heard that the Han family was sent to the embassy, ​​and she could not help but surprise the dream in the fairy tales.

Pushing the pillow on the top and getting the bed, the silver screen and the bead curtain are opened in turn.

I saw her head on the head and half-turned, just woke up, the corolla had not finished well and walked down the hall.

The wind blew her fairy dress and fluttered, and she was like her nephew dance.

Yu Rong’s lonely tears fell, like a spring pear blossom with rain.

She sighs with enthusiasm and thanks to the king: Since life and death, it is difficult to meet, and the news is two.

The love in the Zhaoyang Temple was cut off from here, and the day in Penglai Palace was so long!

Looking down at the world, I only saw the clouds and could not see Chang'an.

I can only use the old things to express my affection and bring back two things in the golden box.

Jin Hao stayed for one share, and the box left one, and our family was divided into half.

As long as our hearts are as strong as gold and scorpion, although we can see each other from heaven and earth!

There is still a word in the imminent departure. This vow only he and I know.

On the seventh day of Tianbao’s first year of July, no one in our middle of the night whispered:

In heaven we hope to be a lovebird forever, and we are willing to do the tricks on the ground.

It will end in a day and a long time. This kind of regret, for a long time, will never be eliminated.

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